Successful [FREE] Saturday

The best part about creating a fun family day for young children is they are the CHEAPEST dates! You can basically make ANYTHING fun as long as you yourself are FUN! Sam and I decided today was entirely too beautiful to waste away inside (even though we too are IN LOVE with our air conditioner)!… Continue reading Successful [FREE] Saturday

Isabelle’s 1st Boovday

Planning and executing Isabelle’s birthday party was a big chore but totally worth it in the end! She had a blast and we got to see those who cared the absolute MOST for Isabelle! 💕 Our hearts were so full and we cannot thank those who attended enough. I love that Isabelle has so many… Continue reading Isabelle’s 1st Boovday

Henry Vilas Zoo

It’s been SO long since I’ve got to sit down and write about our adventures! After this one the kids are POOPED! 💩 👈  Mom is about as happy as this little turd right there that she gets to blog while they nap! 🙌🙌We love Madison for simple reasons, like this. Our zoo does not… Continue reading Henry Vilas Zoo

Milwaukee Public Museum 🔍

As always I preach how important it is to always be learning SOMETHING. Although there is CONSTANT change in this world, understanding our past is the ONLY way to better our future! Sam’s parents invited us to visit the Madison Public Museum and OF COURSE we couldn’t pass it up. Isabelle and I had a… Continue reading Milwaukee Public Museum 🔍

Grandpa Pete’s 93rd Birthday 🎈

It was so great to get to share Grandpa Pete’s 93rd birthday with the family. I have always had a large family and we have always been close. I really do cherish all the time my kids get to spend around family at events like this. Isabelle got to spend time with all of her… Continue reading Grandpa Pete’s 93rd Birthday 🎈

Stay-at-Home (Fit)Mom 💪

Now that it has been 7 months since the birth of my 1st child, I feel like I have no excuses left for the extra pounds I’ve been carrying around with me this winter. My 5 year old daughter recently began nagging me about wanting to do work-outs together again. Prior to my pregnancy I was… Continue reading Stay-at-Home (Fit)Mom 💪

Animart – East Towne 🐾

With these bitter cold winter days, our kids become a little stir crazy. Too much screen time and being cooped up can cause for quite the chaos. This is especially true when your child struggles with self-regulation. Since we deal with some pretty high energy during these times – it is very important that we… Continue reading Animart – East Towne 🐾

Madison Public Library — Pinney Branch

Yesterday we went to The Madison Public Library (Pinney Branch) on Madison’s east side. We come here often to switch out our library books/movies/CDs. Maya clearly comes to play on the kid’s computer but mama makes her read too!  Yes – she makes me read Barbie books! If you haven’t read one, don’t. 😂Technology is… Continue reading Madison Public Library — Pinney Branch

Pump It Up: ‘Noon Year’ 🎉

I’m going to start off by wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! My family wishes yours the best next 365 days that you could ever have!To celebrate this year my best friend, Heather, and I took our families to a fun kids event in Fitchburg, Wisconsin at Pump It Up called ‘Noon Year’. Cute, right?!… Continue reading Pump It Up: ‘Noon Year’ 🎉

Thanksgiving Arts & Crafts

Since I am fortunate enough to be at home with the girls and the weather is starting to get cold out here in Wisconsin, Maya and I decided to do some crafts inside! We turned on ‘The Voice’ – Maya and Isabelle LOVE this show – who am I kidding so do I. Best part… Continue reading Thanksgiving Arts & Crafts