Successful [FREE] Saturday

The best part about creating a fun family day for young children is they are the CHEAPEST dates! You can basically make ANYTHING fun as long as you yourself are FUN! Sam and I decided today was entirely too beautiful to waste away inside (even though we too are IN LOVE with our air conditioner)!… Continue reading Successful [FREE] Saturday

It’s Time for a Change ðŸ’š

Ready for a Change? I’ve got the System! It Works WRAP. REMOVE. REBOOT. Weight Loss System    You may have heard about it already because it is taking the health and wellness industry by STORM! Not to mention our customers have seen some AMAZING results already from the It Works WRAP. REMOVE. REBOOT. Weight Loss… Continue reading It’s Time for a Change ðŸ’š

[WOWING] Wrap Results: How-To & Tips  ðŸ‘† Yup, that’s really me! I only say this because people message me on Facebook all the time asking if these are really my photos and my results from only a 6 day period. The answer to that is YES! You can follow my posts through the full 6 days that I actually did these… Continue reading [WOWING] Wrap Results: How-To & Tips

Stay-at-Home (Fit)Mom 💪

Now that it has been 7 months since the birth of my 1st child, I feel like I have no excuses left for the extra pounds I’ve been carrying around with me this winter. My 5 year old daughter recently began nagging me about wanting to do work-outs together again. Prior to my pregnancy I was… Continue reading Stay-at-Home (Fit)Mom 💪