
Welcome to the Family!My name is Callie Hauge and I am the lucky fiancé and mother of two who will be sharing her life as a homemaker in the Cox household with YOU!I’ll start with my fiancé and I – Samuel Cox and I have shared our hectic but loving lives together for about three and a half years now. Sam works with special needs children while I am the lucky lady at home with our two beautiful girls. The ability to be a stay-at-home mom is one of the biggest blessings in my life – THANK YOU IT WORKS – second of course to my children!
Sam brought a beautiful ‘baby girl’ into my life at 2 and a half years of age, Maya, from a previous relationship. Maya is now 5 years old. Being a step-mother comes with a whole different set of challenges but we share a bond with each-other that is unbreakable. I just go by ‘mom’ because, for now, I am the only mom she’s got! She is breathtakingly beautiful and it is a true blessing to watch her grow each day.Sam and I now share a ONE old daughter, Isabelle, together. She is the light in all of our lives. She is picture perfect with a personality all her own. We couldn’t imagine life without our beautiful baby girl!

 If you are interested in working with US please contact me via the ‘Contact Us’ page.

Thank you for reading!

We are a ConCOXtion of a family – filled with food, fashion, fitness, faith, and mostly – FUN!

Love Always,

This Midwest Mama

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