What if YOU could change YOUR life?

What if I told you that you have the ability to be in complete control of your own life? We all have the same 24 hours in a day, why do we seem to think that some people can do this, but others can’t?

I was just like everybody else. I went to school from preschool age on. I got really good grades (when I actually went to class) and graduated from public school, again like the majority. And I aspired to go to college and make something of myself. I went from wanting to be an Accountant to desiring to help people through  Social Work and I am sure there were a couple other careers in the back of my mind throughout that time but time is money and I had to choose quickly – I mean that’s what they told us: You graduate high-school and you then go directly to college. So I did! The thing I accomplished most in college was a HUGE LOAN DEBT! I am reminded of this often, years after my college experience because the bills continue to follow me and my family.

I grew up in an average low to middle class family where debt was real and the hours being worked were astronomical just to keep the bills down. Don’t get me wrong, I will always love my parents for doing everything in their power to keep all of us kids happy and paid for but honestly I feel like they missed out on a lot of what we were doing because, well they HAD to work!

I talk to a lot of friends NOW and they say the same thing:

“I simply do not have time for this, I HAVE to work..”

Which to me is, well CRAZY, because the reason I joined this business was to accomplish the exact opposite. TIME is so incredibly valuable but we have been told that it is normal to work 8-12 hours PER DAY!! How insane is that?! People are working (AND HARD!) for almost HALF of their day…EVERY SINGLE DAY!! How did we let this become our norm?

I do not want my daughters slaving away their short and precious time on this Earth to accomplish somebody else’s dream. If that means that I have to go against the grain to show them that there are other options, so be it! I am working for my dreams. I am working for my fiancé’s dreams. But most of all I am working for my children’s dreams.

An income from home seems too unreal, right? WRONG!

Is that what you keep telling yourself to avoid joining It Works and possibly making one of the biggest changes in your life? Right now, I am up for a $10,000 BONUS because our CEO decided we deserved it, has that happened to you in your working life before? If not, I highly suggest we talk. You’ll never know if this whole CRAZY WRAP THING could work for you too if you don’t ever ask!

Joining RIGHT NOW makes you eligible for a $500 bonus and a $500 PER MONTH income by the end of November and right in time for the holiday season + SO MANY other benefits! Are you ready to hear all about it? Good! Because I am ready to share this amazing opportunity with you even if you’re not ready to make this thing a full-time gig just yet!!

Add ME on Facebook — I hope to talk to you soon!!

Love Always,

This Midwest Mama

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