Successful [FREE] Saturday

The best part about creating a fun family day for young children is they are the CHEAPEST dates! You can basically make ANYTHING fun as long as you yourself are FUN!

Sam and I decided today was entirely too beautiful to waste away inside (even though we too are IN LOVE with our air conditioner)! So…we set out to Olbrich Botancial Gardens only to find out that the one day we want to attend…they are closed! 😱 We could have had a pity party and just went home but we didn’t. We winged it by the seat of our pants and I’m SO glad we did!We started our adventure at Tenney Park on the East side of Madison. It’s such a beautiful area to walk through and is completely stroller accessible! πŸ™Œ There is gorgeous scenery everywhere and the girls couldn’t get enough. Maya and I even got to have some fun on the swings together!We stopped and played at the first park for a short time, only because poppa wanted to show Maya the Tenney Lock. I don’t think I’ve even been here in all my quarter of a century growing up..SAD because the view is BREATHTAKING! πŸ‘€ Isabelle enjoyed her first drink from a water fountain here! 😍

We got to sit on the pier and watch big ol’ fish swim on by! Too bad we didn’t have some rods on us. Next time! 🎣 AMAZING fishing spots!!We took a break in the shade and the girls spent some quality time together. Their love is so pure. I hope they foster this bond forever. I am a girl with many sisters but few good relationships with them, I never want that for them.Our last stop was another park! It had a beach attached so we dipped out feet in the water, Isabelle was not ready for all that sensory goodness that our lakes have to offer soooo it wasn’t a long experience but completely worth it. We love our city!! The Midwest is truly a beautiful place to build a family.Poppa enjoyed his free time with the girl’s today and I enjoyed my office view. I got to work from my phone whenever I wanted to! It warms my heart to watch these moments firsthand. It is my longterm goal to retire my fiancΓ© by the time we are 30 years old. I crave even more family time and It Works is going to make my ultimate dreams come true. I love this journey because it is mine. πŸ’š

And to top it all off, we all got a GREAT workout in πŸ’ͺ, and the girls are napping away! 😴

With love,

This Midwest Mama

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