Milwaukee Public Museum 🔍

As always I preach how important it is to always be learning SOMETHING. Although there is CONSTANT change in this world, understanding our past is the ONLY way to better our future!

Sam’s parents invited us to visit the Madison Public Museum and OF COURSE we couldn’t pass it up. Isabelle and I had a tough ride up but it was worth it once we got there!

Once we were all in the museum our minds began to wander!! 💭💭  Isabelle was captivated by all of the bright and beautiful visuals. I would have to say she was the one who enjoyed this trip the most. This girl was out of her stroller the WHOLE time after this pictures was taken! 😅 I wouldn’t have had it ANY other way!

 First stop: BUTTERFLIES! My favorite and inherently so obviously as Isabelle was very intrigued too! Once I handed Isabelle off to Sam a few butterflies landed on me. My guess is Isabelle swatting at them was a little intimidating! 😂

I don’t know if you can see it, but behind Isabelle in the picture above there is what they called the Transformation Station where all the cocoons are hung awaiting birthing day. So magical! ✨
 Grandpa, there’s a butterfly on your head! I love being able to do this as one big family. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing family surrounding my children. It takes a village! 💚

 Next we were off to Bugs Alive! I was not as thrilled for this area since creepy crawly things are not my favorite but I braved it for the kids! 💪 I set Isabelle down to look at a black widow and Maya said “Can you please pick her up from there, that’s not safe!” I love how much she cares for her little sis (for now anyways)!! 😉

 It was SO funny watching Sam try to put together this 3D butterfly puzzle in the kids area! Nobody had any idea what they were doing. Family FAIL! Haha. Does anybody know how this is actually done?!

 Maya’s absolute FAVORITE displays to look at were the dinosaurs, bones, and fossils! She wishes she could meet a REAL dinosaur one day! There were boxes with dinosaurs inside, but Maya and I were too scared to get close enough to look inside!! 😁

 Throughout my WHOLE visit nothing stuck out to me more than THIS quote. It means SO much to me in my daily life! Everyday we see people who speak, feel, act, and treat people as if they are better than the next person. This is NOT true. We are all the same. We all have the same 24 hours. We all have the opportunity to make something of ourselves. All the while staying HUMBLE and leading others to that SAME happiness. We owe each-other RESPECT and that will always one day come back ten fold!

There are PLENTY of exhibits that we did not photograph so you need to GO visit for yourself! There is an amazing little village inside with an old school CANDY STORE as well as beautiful displays of traditional Native American apparel and MORE!

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 5 out of 5 stars for a family destination in Milwaukee, Wisconsin! It is a GREAT learning experience for ALL ages. We will definitely be going back in the future!

Visit HERE for admission information.

Stay Smart! 🤓

Love Always,

This Midwest Mama 💕

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