Knowledge Is Power

I will be the FIRST to say that I was never a huge fan of school. I hated waking up early, I constantly got made fun of for my small size (vertically), and to be honest I never really felt challenged or interested by the curriculum available to us at the time. Maya just started… Continue reading Knowledge Is Power

Flu Blues 😷

This past week has been filled with stuffed nostrils, headaches, sore throats, coughs, body aches, throw up, boogers, and pure chaos for mommy! We plan to get hit every year especially with Maya in school. Bacteria’s favorite place to thrive and the only place mommy doesn’t clean. As expected the illness started with Maya. It… Continue reading Flu Blues 😷

Who is Going to Make ‘IT WORK’ for Us?

 After doing my research and from the MOST support that I have received as a mother and aspiring business woman I have decided to join ‘It Works’ this year. There are three HUGE reasons behind this: I want to be home with my children as much as I can. Most stay-at-home positions are no longer available.… Continue reading Who is Going to Make ‘IT WORK’ for Us?

Our 1st Tooth Fairy Visit!

It’s crazy it is all happening so fast! Sam, Maya, and I have been wiggling her first loose tooth for the past month or two now and it finally came out! She was an absolute champ and kept rooting me on. I was the squimish one constantly asking her if she was feeling okay. I remember… Continue reading Our 1st Tooth Fairy Visit!

Stay-at-Home (Fit)Mom 💪

Now that it has been 7 months since the birth of my 1st child, I feel like I have no excuses left for the extra pounds I’ve been carrying around with me this winter. My 5 year old daughter recently began nagging me about wanting to do work-outs together again. Prior to my pregnancy I was… Continue reading Stay-at-Home (Fit)Mom 💪

Animart – East Towne 🐾

With these bitter cold winter days, our kids become a little stir crazy. Too much screen time and being cooped up can cause for quite the chaos. This is especially true when your child struggles with self-regulation. Since we deal with some pretty high energy during these times – it is very important that we… Continue reading Animart – East Towne 🐾

Purée Progress

Isabelle is now 7 months old and enjoying the growth in her menu options. Granted she still lunges at my every meal, she is still very satisfied with her own set-up! In an earlier blog I posted about single ingredient purées that Isabelle liked and didn’t like as much. This time I’m going to share… Continue reading Purée Progress

Thai Quinoa with Lime Vinaigrette

We have been focusing a lot of time on perfecting our pizza recipes this week. That means A LOT of pizza on our menu. We needed a break so I made something simple and healthy tonight! This quinoa salad is SUPER refreshing as part of a main dish or it can stand on its own… Continue reading Thai Quinoa with Lime Vinaigrette

Dropping the Step and just being Mom

We all know the story of the EVIL stepmother who enslaves her rich husband’s children while he is away working, don’t we? Very and I mean VERY rarely is a stepmother painted in a good light. Which is honestly, bull crap! I’m not saying every step-parent is a saint but taking on the role as a… Continue reading Dropping the Step and just being Mom

In Search of a Proper Latch

 Our breastfeeding story: Before Isabelle was born I had NO idea what to expect when it came to breastfeeding. Sam and I took a class and all we learned were positions to hold her in (positions that do work in the end by the way) but that did me no good in my first MONTH… Continue reading In Search of a Proper Latch